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What Is Microneedling, Anyway?

Microneedling uses a motorized device containing many, small needles to create microscopic puncture wounds in the skin. Though the procedure may sound frightening, it is fairly painless. Your doctor will typically use a topical anesthetic before beginning the microneedling session.

In this procedure, the old, blemished top layer of skin is pricked away and the new, bright skin underneath is able to shine through. This controlled injury forces the body to produce collagen to heal itself. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to fine lines and wrinkles. Thus, Microneedling is a fantastic treatment for undesirable signs of aging. The procedure can also be used to correct skin texture, enlarged pores, stretch marks, and acne scarring.

Why Should I Try Microneedling?

Microneedling is a fantastic option for skin rejuvenation no matter the patient’s age or severity of symptoms. Treatments are brief (about 30 to 45 minutes a session) and the downtime is minimal (only about 1 to 3 days). Unlike chemical peels or laser treatments, microneedling can be used on all skin types and skin colors without the risk of discoloration or hyperpigmentation. Thus, all patients interested in the procedure can easily see it’s results.

However, microneedling is not for everyone. Some individuals are not bothered by wrinkles, acne scars, fine lines, or enlarged pores, while others are deeply affected by these same conditions. If these things are a concern for you, microneedling can help. As board certified dermatologists, we are passionate about helping all individuals love the skin they are in. Thus, microneedling may be the perfect treatment for an individual who is concerned with their facial appearances.

BONUS TIP: Add PRP To Your Microneedling Session

PRP, or Platelet Rich Plasma, is a fantastic follow-up to microneedling or laser treatments! Often referred to as the “Vampire Facial”, combining micro-needling with a PRP treatment allows us to use your own platelets to help your tissue properly heal and grow new cells. PRP softens wrinkles and gives the skin a smoother texture and tone. Adding a PRP treatment to the end of your session can help maximize your skin’s regeneration as well.

To determine if Microneedling and PRP treatment is a good option for you, schedule a consultation today with Dr. Sophia Mai by calling 985-649-5880.

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