skinpen microneedling 

What is SkinPen microneedling?

SkinPen microneedling is an innovative cosmetic procedure used for a variety of skin conditions. SkinPen is typically used to treat fine lines, wrinkles and other unwanted signs of aging. However, it can also be used to correct skin texture, enlarged pores, stretch marks and acne scarring.

How does microneedling work?

Microneedling utilizes a motorized device containing multiple tiny sterile needles that are used to create thousands of microscopic puncture wounds in the skin. This controlled injury stimulates the body into producing collagen to heal itself.

Collagen loss is one of the primary causes of skin wrinkling. As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, leading to fine lines, wrinkles and other undesirable effects of aging.

The procedure itself is relatively painless, as your doctor will typically use a topical anesthetic before beginning the treatment session. SkinPen treatment sessions generally take around 30 minutes.

Your dermatologist will determine how many sessions you should undergo based on your condition and the results you desire. You will usually have 2-4 weeks between each session.

What are the benefits?

SkinPen microneedling is a non-surgical, minimally invasive technique. Unlike chemical peels or laser treatments, the SkinPen can be used on all skin types and skin colors without risking skin discoloration or hyperpigmentation. Treatments are quick and downtime is minimal, making it a great option for skin rejuvenation no matter the age of the patient or severity.

Patients often elect to continue treatments at regular intervals throughout the year for maintenance. Since the depth of the needles is adjustable, the treatment also works for different areas of the body in addition to the face.

What can you expect afterwards?

Downtime is usually 1-3 days depending on the level of the treatment, with most patients appearing as though they have a mild to moderate sunburn. There can be some peeling or scabbing in the days following. Your dermatologist may prescribe a skin care regimen using products specially designed for microneedling aftercare. These products will provide necessary nutrients to assist in the healing and collagen production process.

Depending on the severity of the condition being treated, you may not see the final results of your treatment sessions for several months, as it takes time for collagen to grow and your skin to remodel.

Is there anyone who shouldn’t have this procedure done?

Your doctor will determine whether or not you are a good candidate for this procedure. If you have any of the following conditions, SkinPen microneedling is typically not recommended for you: rosacea, an active skin infection, chronic skin disorder, eczema, herpes, open cuts or active sunburn, psoriasis, blood clots, pregnancy, breastfeeding, and severe solar keratosis.

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